

created: 2024-07-08

personal university

I am procrastinating

Nhung's pregnancy gallery

created: 2023-12-09 | updated: 2023-12-26

nhung family wife

Try to create a responsive gallery, using my wife's photos. I have a lot of them in my computer.

Sau's gallery

created: 2023-12-05 | updated: 2023-12-29

family sau daughter

a lot of photos about my daughter

my vim journey

created: 2023-11-30 | updated: 2023-12-08

vim neovim technology linux

I really love vim (neovim), and I've been using it for years. Here is my thought about it.

Groff: a great typesetting system

created: 2023-08-10

groff latex pandoc markdown technology linux

Recently, I used this tool to typeset my resume. It was both fun and considerably easier compared to LaTeX.

try out zola

created: 2023-07-12

zola technology hugo linux

introduce to zola